Speedyl has been selected after its outstanding performance in trials against commercial standards and breeders’ trial lines.
Annual Ryegrass
High Performance Annual Ryegrass
Speedyl establishes rapidly and will provide fast winter feed, but importantly will produce high levels of quality feed later into the season than other annuals.
It is later flowering than other commercial cultivars and holds its leaf even during heading. Its feed quality is outstanding from early winter until late in the season.
Speedyl continues to have outstanding performance in both the MLA PTN trials and the Dairy Australia FVI.
A solid performer backed by years of consistent data.
Suited to all livestock types, silage and hay
- High yielding
- Good rust resistance
- High winter yields
- Late flowering (+12 days later +18 than Tetila types)
- More feed for your pasture investment
- Provides feed when it is needed most
- Well suited for late grazing into the warm season
- Excellent late season quality. Enables higher quality conserved fodder which will provide more meat and milk per hectare
Sowing Rates
Oversowing Kikuyu
>850mm Irrigation
700-850mm Rainfall
500-700mm Rainfall