RGT Nizza CL is a hybrid, Clearfield winter canola offering growers improved gross margins from both autumn/ winter grazing and high potential grain yields.
Winter Canola
RGT Nizza CL
RGT Nizza CL can be sown in late summer or early autumn for grazing at eight weeks after sowing up until mid-July lock-up for grain with excellent oil content.
Type – Hybrid
Herbicide Tolerance Group – Clearfield
Blackleg Resistance – R (Bare)
Resistance Group – B
Seedling Vigour – Excellent
Crop Height – Moderate to tall
Alternative to – Hyola 970CL, Edimax CL, Pheonix CL and Hyola Feast CL
Sowing Zones – NW & SW Slopes, S Tablelands NSW, N Victoria (irrigation), NE & S Victoria, SE SA and Tasmania
Suited to sheep and beef
- Excellent early vigour high biomass yield
- Suited to early planting
• 3 to 4 days earlier than Edimax CL
• 7 to 10 days earlier to flower than Hyola 970CL
• High oil content
• No. 1 yielding variety in Europe
Sowing Rates
Grain only
Early grazing and grain