Regency is a unique new forage oat with prostrate growth habit and prolific tillering ability.
The Regency’s early growth to first grazing is around 30-40% lower than traditional oats which is a real benefit when using oats as cover for newly sown pastures especially clovers. But after grazing its mid-season growth is 2-3 times that of all other forage oat varieties, giving higher overall total yield. As such it is recommended that it be grazed when it and any undersown species will withstand pulling. It has significantly more fine tillers than other oat varieties and narrow width leaves. Whilst Regency is a mid-season maturity variety it produces leafy tillers after it goes to head. It has shown good rust resistance in trials over 2017-2019 Regency has good warm start tolerance for northern sowings, but this can also enable it to be planted early with warm soil temperatures in southern zones to get it to first grazing faster – then watch its outstanding recovery.
- Good warm start option
- High total yields
- Prolific tillering after first grazing
- High leaf productio n even when reproductive
- Can be sown early into warm soil conditions
- Great as a companion oat to enable undersown pasture species the ability to establish outstanding recovery and higher mid-season production than other varieties
- Similar or better than other later maturity varieties
- More quality leaf for late silage or hay cuts. Ideal for cutting at milky dough stage with high leaf content
Sowing Rates