Moxie AR1 was developed by RAGT and R2n with tough Australian and New Zealand conditions in mind
Perennial Ryegrass
Moxie AR1
Moxie AR1 – bred specifically for Australian and New Zealand conditions.
Moxie AR1 is a very productive diploid with high yields, including excellent winter growth.
Its semi-upright growth and higher tiller density means it will fit well into systems requiring a highly productive perennial ryegrass. While its heading date (0 days), helps to ensure good early season performance. Sow Moxie as the main grass component, or mix with other RAGT perennial grasses, such as Hustle perennial ryegrass and/or Lazuly cocksfoot for additional pasture resilience.
Suited to all livestock types, silage and hay
• Diploid perennial ryegrass
• Highly Winter Active
• Early maturity
• Safe AR1 Endophyte option
• Tiller density for improved persistance
• More feed in cooler conditions
• Excellent forage quality
Sowing Rates
Dryland 500-700mm rainfall
+700mm rainfall or irrigation