Moa is a late flowering soft seeded persian clover.
Moa is a soft seeded, late-flowering persian clover which produces higher quality vegetative feed longer into the growing season .
It is a tall-erect, aerial seeding, annual type with thick, long and soft stems. It is adapted to a wide range of soil types and has good waterlogging tolerance making it ideal to plant with tetraploid annual ryegrass for winter grazing and spring lock-up for high quality silage or hay.
Moa is very palatable and highly digestible feed (20-23% crude protein), It is well suited to hay, grazing or silage production, and is especially successful in pasture mixes with oats targeted at increasing dry matter production. Its upright growth habit makes it more suited to planting as a companion legume with annual ryegrass and forage cereals.
And being late-flowering it retains quality later into the season than other persian clover varieties. It should be sown in early autumn for best results.
Moa Persian clover has excellent post grazing/silage cut recovery.
- Late flowering
- Tolerates waterlogging
- Upright growth habit
- Free of oestrogen
- Produces higher yields in long growing season or irrigated areas
- Produces higher yields in long growing season or irrigated areas
- Ideal companion for sowing with tetraploid annual ryegrass
- Safe for grazing by or feeding to pregnant stock
Sowing Rates