EPRs support RAGT and its breeding partners to continue developing varieties that deliver improved returns for Australian grain and mixed farmers.
Each time a grower purchases an RAGT variety noted for having an EPR payable, they agree to comply with the Variety Licence Agreement (VLA), including payment of any applicable EPR.
The EPR is payable on all grain produced, except for seed retained by and for replanting by that grower.
Note: You are not authorised to grow and sell your own seed to other farmers.
All grain produced must be properly represented on the NGR Harvest Declaration Form via the National Grower Register website.
Full details of RAGT’s VLAs can be found at www.varietycentral.com.au.
A copy of the Licence Agreement can be accessed below.

For further information or to ask any questions, please get in touch via epr@ragt.au