BIGG Conference grows ‘from the ground up’

On the 15th of February the Barossa Improved Grazing Group held their annual conference dubbed ‘From the Ground Up’. The conference included a number of guest speakers to discuss carbon farming, the financial benefits of ewe containment, wool harvesting, and many other topics.

RAGT’s David ‘Rocky’ Barnett with Barenbrug territory manager Aston Barr, Biostart’s Nick Smyth and Pepperwell Poll Merino stud principal Hansi Graet

The conference consisted of over 50 attendees, including our very own David ‘Rocky’ Barnett. This conference gave an invaluable opportunity for attendees to ask all the speakers any questions that they might need answered, to give a holistic understanding of the presentation, and be able to apply what they’ve learnt on their farms.