RGT Atlantis
New waterlogging tolerant spring barley
New RGT Atlantis – a spring barley with the ability to withstand waterlogging to achieve high yields
RGT Atlantis is new waterlogging tolerant barley with high yield potential in the medium and high rainfall zone areas. These areas with high yield potential can also experience periods of transient inundation during the growing season and this can limit the yield potential significantly.
RGT Atlantis has been bred from RGT Planet combined with a native waterlogging tolerant barley. This cross enables the plants to withstand periods of waterlogging via introduced structures called “aerenchyma”. Normally waterlogged soils are low in oxygen and these aerenchyma allow oxygen to remain in the roots during extended periods of waterlogging and keep the plants growing.
It has a similar yield potential to RGT Planet when under non-waterlogged conditions but can significantly outyield RGT Planet (up to or more than 20%) when under waterlogging pressure.
- Excellent Seedling Vigour
- Ability to withstand waterlogging
- Short stiff straw with excellent standability
- Can be sown in medium to high rainfall areas from April to
early Spring - Similar phenology to RGT Planet, with high yield potential
and good leaf rust and powdery mildew resistance. - Tested as RP22054
Sowing Rates